Esther was the first secondary school production Cornerstone has ever put on. It is also the first production since 2016. Over 1,000 people made the trip to Wallace theatre on Centennial drive for the bible epic, which has the pivotal line “…for such a time as this”.
Head Girl, Mollie Auer played the title role, showing off her proficient vocal range. Year 11 Simon Lavender won the hearts of many with his rendition of King Xerxes. His portrayal ranged from the humourous moments of a needy flawed king, to an intimidating upset king. Another star was Livinia Prior, in her role as Haman. Her reluctant song and dance about her rival Mordecai brought the house down.
Deputy Head Girl, Kate McDonald, brought fits of laughter with her 3-year-old-esque makeup, and prancing about to match. As one of the lead students and main choreographer she described the effort over the last six months putting Esther together. She also wanted to thank her Dad for pushing her to have confidence, and be her best.
Mr Mitchell wanted to recognise the way students grew as young men and women through the process. How they represented the school and it’s values of diligence, kindness, and humility before God. He was also proud of how clear the biblical messages were in Esther. God is always in control, and God has put us on earth for a purpose for such a time as this.
Thanks to Mr McDonald for producing, Mr Doody for directing, and for Dr Boddy for running ‘the orchestra’. Thanks to our generous sponsors: Innes Dean Lawyers, QWS Water Services, Snap Photography, Acrow Scaffolding, and Act Three productions. Thanks to the parents of the cast and crew for your support and taxi service.
Photos by Asher Jorgensen, Gareth Bell.