Around 160 people came to the Cornerstone Fundraising Group’s annual Quiz Night. There were team costumes, dance performances, auctions, plenty of food options to keep the evening engaging. Much of the wider Cornerstone Community came out for a fun night out of laughter and frivolity.
Quiz categories ranged from Sports trivia, Bible, Geography, to TV show theme songs. Mr Groube ran the questions, and also impressed with his pronunciation and knowledge of the Capital city Ouagadougou. The team “Puzzled” won the event by a half mark. Their big moment came in the first round, when they correctly picked the ‘quizler’ after only the first clue – “Born in 1901 in Illinois, with four siblings”. (Answer at the bottom of this page)
With help from generous sponsors, and lively engagement in the auctions, bottle swap, as well as a a few teams ‘buying answers’, Over $4,000 was raised by the event for school activities.
“My husband wasn’t sure if he wanted to come, but he had a blast, enjoyed the food and is keen to come back next year.” reported one quizzer.
Thanks to Vicki Campbell for her work organising the night, and to all of the sponsors: Low cost bins, The Hairy Kiwi, Recycle boutique, The Vet – Malcolm Anderson, Team Robinson from Bayleys, The Herb Farm, Nailtek, Gravitate 24 Gym, Four Square, Nero Restaurant, Fat Rabbit, Streetwise Coffee, Honey Clothing, Blair Alabaster from Property Borkers, Manna Christian Store, The Grey Space photography, Carpet Court, Knead bread and desserts.
Photos by Hamish Couperus.
Quizler answer: Walt Disney