As the number of positive COVID-19 cases increases rapidly across the country, we are conscious that many of our school community may have questions about our response should a learner or staff member here at Cornerstone Christian School test positive for COVID-19.
Below are some commonly asked questions about COVID-19 and the implications for our Cornerstone Christian School Community:
My child has tested positive for COVID-19. What does this mean?
This means your child will need to self-isolate for 7 days and be tested on day 5. All household members will be considered Close Contacts and will also need to self-isolate.
Who do advise if my child tests positive for COVID-19?
Please contact Cornerstone Christian School as soon as possible after you have been informed of a positive test result. You will need to supply Cornerstone with a screen shot of the text which confirms the positive test. Contact: 06 356 7326 or email: principal@cornerstone.ac.nz
How will Cornerstone Christian School work out who is a Close Contact?
We will follow detailed guidance provided by the Ministry of Education. A range of criteria is used including ventilation, the wearing of masks and time spent indoors to determine who is a Close Contact.
My child is a Close Contact. What does that mean?
This means that your child has had contact with a COVID-19 positive case. Your child will need to self-isolate for 7 days and be tested on the 5th day. We will endeavour to provide remote learning for all children needing to self-isolate however this may depend on whether it is possible for a teacher to do this if they are still teaching at school.
What actions will Cornerstone Christian School take when there is a positive case at CCS?
- We will follow a response plan based on guidance from the Ministry of Education. This includes:
- Contacting the Ministry of Education
- Seeking confirmation of the positive case and when the infectious period was.
- Working through contact tracing
- Using KAMAR email to notify families and whānau of children who are Close Contacts.
- Requesting that children who are Close Contacts are collected from Cornerstone Christian School as soon as possible
- Using KAMAR email, our Cornerstone Christian School Facebook page and the SchoolApp to notify that we have a positive case in our school.
A member of our household has tested positive for COVID-19. What does this mean?
This will mean that your child will be a Close Contact and will need to self-isolate. Do not send them to school. Please contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453 and follow their advice.
My child is feeling unwell (e.g. cough, headache, sore-throat) Can I still send them to school?
No. If your child is displaying any symptoms of COVID-19, please do not send them to school. Please contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453 and follow their advice.
Will Cornerstone Christian School close when there is a positive case of COVID-19 identified at school?
Not necessarily. Every attempt will be made to remain open, however this will depend on the number of Close Contacts identified across the school and whether we have enough staff to teach classes onsite. If Cornerstone Christian School does have to close, remote learning will be put in place for all children. Keep in mind that the majority of our staff have their own children that they will need to provide care for.