Cornerstone boasts a number of performing arts and cultural groups. We encourage our students to get involved in performing arts tribe competitions, music, dance and cultural groups. We have three age-group kapahaka groups and a number of age-group worship bands. We participate in local Pacifika, Rockquest, Chamber Music, DanceNZmade, and Rotary Music Festival activities.
Itinerant music lessons are available onsite, during and outside of school hours with piano, guitar, and vocal lessons most popular. Epic Music Academy is popular for fun and affordable instrument lessons.
Cultures Day: is a popular annual celebration of the many school cultures that make up our school and the kingdom of God. All members of the school community are encouraged to dress in their own cultural attire and to bring a dish and/or performance from their home country.

Recent Cultural News Articles
Noah’s Ark Pet Day
If it Chirps, Barks, Purrs, or Crawls, it probably came to pet day. From a small horse to a giant spider, Aroha students brought in their pets to show off, learn more about God’s creation.
Talent found at Showquest
From contemporary dance to classical piano, Cornerstone’s inaugural Showquest revealed a lot of talent. Passing the audition stage were several dance groups, a couple of stringed instrumentalists a couple of rock bands and a stand up comedian. The top award was won by Rockquest band, The Zebrahdahs, but most will remember the Ukulele rock band who gave an unforgettable performance…
Zebradahs Win $400 at Rockquest
“Praise God”, were the first words out of singer Timote Muli’s mouth when it was announced Zebradahs claimed second place in the regional finals.Performing in their first ever Rockquest, the four piece group aged from 13 to 17 years old, won $400 in Rockshop vouchers for their efforts. The group also placed well in the regional competition. The next step…
Year 9 and 10 Activities a Blast
We’ve just had Year 9 Activities Week and Year 10 Camp. Students served the community, enjoyed hiking, swimming, team building and even morning aerobics. There were meaningful worship times, games, and even some Bible smuggling. For many students it was a chance to get to know their class-mates and teachers better. At Year 10 camp, the games and activities were…