Cornerstone boasts a number of performing arts and cultural groups. We encourage our students to get involved in performing arts tribe competitions, music, dance and cultural groups. We have three age-group kapahaka groups and a number of age-group worship bands. We participate in local Pacifika, Rockquest, Chamber Music, DanceNZmade, and Rotary Music Festival activities.
Itinerant music lessons are available onsite, during and outside of school hours with piano, guitar, and vocal lessons most popular. Epic Music Academy is popular for fun and affordable instrument lessons.
Cultures Day: is a popular annual celebration of the many school cultures that make up our school and the kingdom of God. All members of the school community are encouraged to dress in their own cultural attire and to bring a dish and/or performance from their home country.

Recent Cultural News Articles
Danny and the Shacks – Primary Production
“Danny and the Shacks” followed the story of brave follower Daniel, and his three friends as they made some brave choices. With two sold out shows at Wallace Theatre, the 90 minute show featured song, dance and an important story. Many were enamoured by Penelope’s eloquent pronunciation as Helga, charmed by Caleb’s pizazz as the king, and loved Liam’s portrayal…
Moonlit Senior Ball
Over 100 Year 11s to13s gathered at Cornerstone to celebrate our 2022 Moonlight themed Senior Ball. School blazers were exchanged for suits and gowns. School buses were exchanged for sports cars a Mustang and a convertible. Organised by the student Social Committee, the night began with a short prayer by prefect Hannah. Then the lights went off, and the DJ…
Matariki a Memorable and Delicious Celebration
In the secondary school, the Cultures Committee ran an assembly to explain the meaning of Matariki. Mata spoke firstly, a student poignantly named after this time of year. She explained how the central star of the cluster, also named Matariki signifies the importance of gathering together, and looking after our well being. Then the meaning of the Pohutukawa star was…
Eden Middle School Social 2022
Over 80 Year 7 – 10 jumped shouted and danced the evening away at our Eden themed Middle School Social. An order of 30 pizzas from Dominos was accompanied by cakes and slices for dessert and dozens of drinks. Benjamin from Year 7 won the marshmallow competition for the boys and a tidy $20 Plaza voucher along with it. Alla from…