Danny and the Shacks – Primary Production
“Danny and the Shacks” followed the story of brave follower Daniel, and his three friends as they made some brave choices. With two sold out shows at Wallace Theatre, the…
Cornerstone Win Table Tennis Plate at National AIMs Games
Around 13,000 Year 7 and 8 children from around the country attended Aims Games this week. Cornerstone sent a team of our best six Table Tennis and Badminton players to…
CFG Quiz Night A Fun Community Event
Around 160 people came to the Cornerstone Fundraising Group’s annual Quiz Night. There were team costumes, dance performances, auctions, plenty of food options to keep the evening engaging. Much of…
Issachar Tribe Win Secondary Football and Bible Quiz
Starting this week in last place, Issachar Tribe won both Tribe football and the Secondary Bible Quiz to now sit atop the House Competition standings. Football: Thursday lunchtime saw reining…
Moonlit Senior Ball
Over 100 Year 11s to13s gathered at Cornerstone to celebrate our 2022 Moonlight themed Senior Ball. School blazers were exchanged for suits and gowns. School buses were exchanged for sports…
Naphtali Win Family Tribe Carnival
From bottle-flipping, to math tangrams, to bouncy castle sliding, Naphtali tribe dominated our end of term Tribe competition. The light-hearted competition was judged partly on our school values of kindness,…