News & Newsletters


Year 10 Trade Fair

With budgets balanced, posters printed, groceries gathered, it was time for Year 10 Business students to put up the marquee’s and start selling. Some entrepreneurial groups made over $400 of sales, while others appeared to…

Talent found at Showquest

From contemporary dance to classical piano, Cornerstone’s inaugural Showquest revealed a lot of talent. Passing the audition stage were several dance groups, a couple of stringed instrumentalists a couple of rock bands and a stand…


The weekly school newsletter is sent home with the eldest child in each family every second Thursday afternoon. It is also emailed to parents who have asked to receive it by email. It outlines key learning foci and keeps parents informed about what is happening at the school. 

At the beginning of each term, parents of students in Years 1-6 receive a newsletter which outlines the learning focus for their child’s team for the coming term, i.e. Aroha (Y1-2), Manahau (Y3-4), Tumanako (Y5-6). 

Download Term 1, 2025 Newsletters