Naphtali Win Family Tribe Carnival
From bottle-flipping, to math tangrams, to bouncy castle sliding, Naphtali tribe dominated our end of term Tribe competition. The light-hearted competition was judged partly on our school values of kindness, and integrity. One of the…
Cross Country
Covid and rain kept delaying the Secondary Cross Country until this week. A determined Mr McDonald oversaw the four year-level races under a cloudy sky at Cornerstone today. Senior Boys and Girls champions from 2021…
Matariki a Memorable and Delicious Celebration
In the secondary school, the Cultures Committee ran an assembly to explain the meaning of Matariki. Mata spoke firstly, a student poignantly named after this time of year. She explained how the central star of…
Year 10 Tradefair
Hot dogs, Donuts, Hamburgers, and Hot Chips warmed up our students on a cold lunchtime today. Drinks, Kebabs, and Sushi were also on sold today by our Year 10 Business Studies class. The goal is…
Eden Middle School Social 2022
Over 80 Year 7 – 10 jumped shouted and danced the evening away at our Eden themed Middle School Social. An order of 30 pizzas from Dominos was accompanied by cakes and slices for dessert…
Upstanding Attitude Towards Bullying on Pink Shirt Day
In our annual bullying awareness week, students dressed in pink or bright colours to stand together against bullying. There were activities and best costume competitions. Proceeds of the primary school mufti-day went towards the Backpack…
The weekly school newsletter is sent home with the eldest child in each family every second Thursday afternoon. It is also emailed to parents who have asked to receive it by email. It outlines key learning foci and keeps parents informed about what is happening at the school.
At the beginning of each term, parents of students in Years 1-6 receive a newsletter which outlines the learning focus for their child’s team for the coming term, i.e. Aroha (Y1-2), Manahau (Y3-4), Tumanako (Y5-6).
Download Term 1, 2025 Newsletters
- Aroha Team (Year 0 – 2)
- Manahau Team (Year 3 – 4)
- Tumanako Team (Year 5 – 6)