On enrolment at Cornerstone each student is allocated a tribe (or house) for the purposes of inter-tribe events and competitions within the school.
The four tribes are:
- Asher (green),
- Issachar (yellow).
- Naphtali (blue),
- Zebulun (red)
Tribe competitions take place throughout the year, and include Athletics, Swimming, and team sports, in the summer, as well as Bible quizzes, and Performing Arts in the winter. Students are encouraged to compete in events wearing their tribe colours.
Read more about Tribe results at Cornerstone’s Dedicated Sports Website.
Current Tribe Competition Standings
Recent Tribe Competition News
Summer Games – April 2021
The Cornerstone Summer Games were about teamwork, and being good sports. Tribe groups worked together, with seniors often sacrificing competitiveness to help the younger members of their group. Once again, Mr McDonald set pretty tricky bible questions in the bible quizzes. The competition was quite even with all four tribes winning an age category. Event Winners Junior Bible Quiz: Naphtali…
Secondary Athletics Day
It was a fun and successful day at the Massey Athletics track. The day began with Sports Prefect Abi praying for the competition, and ended wtih her giving Mr McDonald a ‘massive thanks’ for organising the event. Results: At the time of writing, Naphtali tribe held a slender lead over Issachar in the Tribe Competition. Three records were broken in…
Swimming Sports 2021
Swimming sports had much sunshine, sunscreen, chanting, splashing and fun at Makino pool today. Students competed in conventional strokes, as well as pushing noodles around the pool, raft and truck and trailer races, and the ever popular ‘pass the pupil’. For the first time, Year 5 and 6 students came for the end of day ‘free swim’. The teachers got…
2020 – The Year in Photos
It was a colourful year for Cornerstone. There were significant changes in school leadership, trips all around the country – one of which won the school’s first national sporting trophy. The school also ran its annual gala, book week, colour run, tribe competitions…