
The purpose we see for sport at Cornerstone Christian School is to encourage the development of sport as a Godly pursuit impacting:

  • Children’s physical development, of their bodies that God has created.
  • Children’s spiritual development, in doing their best for God.
  • Children’s mental development, in learning to make right, instant  decisions.
  • Children’s spatial development, in being aware of things happening around them, to others and to themselves.
  • Community building.

Please note that students will need to use their school email and password to access some of the information on the sports website.





Please view the CCS Sport Guidelines here:  CCS Sport Guidelines

These guidelines are set out to establish the rationale for sport at CCS and state the expectations for participants involved in sport at CCS. It serves as a framework for promoting fair play, ethical behaviour, and respect among athletes, coaches and support staff, officials, and spectators.

Recent Sporting News Articles

Secondary Athletics Day

Back at the Massey Athletics track, this year’s Secondary Athletics saw the introduction of a lunchtime tribe Mascot-Race.   Students competed in three throwing, three jumping and five running events. Several school records were broken, by the new wave of athletes, and there was very little sign of sunburn.  Once again Mr McDonald had organised a fun and challenging sports event. …

Looking Back On 2022 In Photos

Look back on the best photos from 2022 at Cornerstone. Term 1 – Year 13 Camp, Tutu day, Pi day, New Turf Term 2 – Star Wars Day, Book Day, Sports Exchnge, Careers, Pink Shirt, Middle School Social, Year 10 Tradefair, Matariki Term 3 – Cross Country, Carnival Day, Mathex, Senior Ball, Tribe Football and Bible quiz, CFG Quiz Night,…

Top Tribe Competition

Tug of War over a paddling pool, student powered go-karts, and gumboot throwing all featured at this week’s Top-Tribe competition. Family tribe groups travelled around 16 activities in the fun, fast-paced festival of colour. Teams were a blend of Year 1 students right up to Year 13, keeping siblings together. Having seniors help and look after juniors is a large…

Clouds Clear for Primary Athletics

Students ran, jumped, threw, and hopped all day today in their tribe colours at our annual Primary  School Athletics. Final results have yet to come in, however early results place Naphtali Tribe slightly ahead of Asher and Issachar thanks to the relay races. Thanks to all the parents who came along to help and support.  Photos by Susila Anthony

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