The purpose we see for sport at Cornerstone Christian School is to encourage the development of sport as a Godly pursuit impacting:
- Children’s physical development, of their bodies that God has created.
- Children’s spiritual development, in doing their best for God.
- Children’s mental development, in learning to make right, instant decisions.
- Children’s spatial development, in being aware of things happening around them, to others and to themselves.
- Community building.
Please view the CCS Sport Guidelines below.
These guidelines outline the rationale for sport at CCS and set clear expectations for all participants. They provide a framework for promoting fair play, ethical behaviour, and respect among athletes, coaches, support staff, officials, and spectators.
Recent Sporting News Articles
Primary Prize Giving 2021
Cornerstone’s Primary Prize Giving focused on the school’s motto of “Learn, Serve and Grow”. Awards were given out in these three categories for each class. The presentation began with Deputy Principal Mr Rose calling on his Year 6 son Ashton, and another boy Ben to pray. Principal Mr Mitchell then talked about Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences, and how God made…
Year 13s flamboyant, but staff still win end of school competition
In a fun tradition to finish Year 13, Student leaders chose to have dress up days in the theme of Beach, Movie Star and Future Career. Movie Star day probably had the most imaginative costumes, with Free Guy, Mean Girls, Woody and some toys from Toy Story, A Lord of the Rings Character, and a Thug attending classes. A few…
Asher Pipped at the Post at Primary Athletics
As the clouds left the sky, discuss, shotput and high jumpers filled it at Primary Athletics day today. Run by Year 7 and 8 students, with plenty of cheering and support, primary classes rotated around all of the running, hurdling, jumping and throwing events. By morning tea, Asher Tribe had already shot out to a big lead in the overall…
Naphtali Dominate Crossfit Tribe Competition
We finished Term 3 with our annual tribe Crossfit Games. Tribes had to flip tyres, navigate obstacle courses and complete cone relays. In a wonderful show of school culture, Senior students spent most of the afternoon, cheering, hand holding, and in some case even carrying the youngsters, instead of competing themselves. Naphtali tribe had a dominant win, finishing first in…