Purchasing the uniform
The school has a compulsory school uniform. It also has a physical education uniform which is compulsory for students in Years 7 and above.
Purchasing the uniform (as of 21 Nov 2022):
Parents may purchase all school uniform items from:
NZ Uniforms, situated at 589B Tremaine Avenue.
The shop hours are:
Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: Closed
Alternatively parents can order online from NZ Uniforms https://cornerstone.nzuniforms.com/
The school will still hold Bucket hats and caps on site if needed urgently.
Download uniform price list (4 pages)
Years 1 – 6 Uniform
Either summer or winter uniform can be worn at any stage in the year but not a mixture of both.
In addition to the items listed below, a school navy bucket hat is required in Terms 1 and 4.
Above: winter uniform
Girls: regulation navy blue skort worn with navy blue stockings and regulation long sleeved polo shirt, regulation polarfleece and leather-look mary-jane shoes. (Note: girls’ pinafore on right is being discontinued)
Boys: regulation navy blue trousers, regulation long sleeved polo shirt, regulation polarfleece, navy socks and plain black sports shoes (see shoes pic below)
Year 1-6 boys’ summer uniform
- Regulation maroon short sleeved polo shirt
- Regulation navy blue shorts
- Black sandals (no other colours are allowed on shoes or soles) OR
- Plain Black leather or plain black sports shoes (no other colours are allowed on shoes or soles) and navy blue socks
Year 1-6 boys’ winter uniform
- Regulation maroon long sleeved polo shirt
- Regulation navy blue trousers
- Navy blue socks
- Plain Black leather or plain black sports shoes (no other colours are allowed on the shoes or soles, canvas not permitted)
Year 1-6 girls’ summer uniform
- Regulation maroon short sleeved polo shirt
- Regulation navy blue shorts or navy blue skort
- Black sandals (no other colours are allowed on shoes or soles) OR
- Plain Black leather shoes or plain black sports shoes (no other colours are allowed on shoes or soles, canvas not permitted) and navy blue socks
Year 1-6 girls’ winter uniform
- Regulation maroon long sleeved polo shirt
- Regulation navy blue trousers
- Navy blue socks
- Plain Black leather or plain black sports shoes (no other colours are allowed on the shoes or soles, canvas not permitted)
- Regulation maroon long sleeved polo shirt
- Regulation navy blue skort
- Navy blue tights or knee-high socks or over-the-knee socks
- Plain Black leather or plain black sports shoes (no other colours are allowed on the shoes or soles, canvas not permitted)
Additions which may be worn
- Regulation maroon zip up polar fleece jacket
- Plain black rain coat (worn outside the classroom only). CCS monogrammed jackets are available from the uniform shop
- Plain navy blue or black gloves and/or scarves
- Hair ties – navy or maroon only
Examples of Year 1-6 Footwear
Years 7-13 school uniform
Our school uniform is our unique symbol and represents our core values of Respect and Diligence. The manner in which our young people present themselves for school reflects their sense of pride and engagement with the school community. Our standard of dress contributes to the reputation of our school, the maintenance of which is the responsibility of every student.
Exceptions are not permitted unless a medical note is received by the Assistant Principal. If students are poorly or incorrectly dressed their parents may be asked to collect their child and rectify it.
Regulation items are to be purchased from NZ Uniforms. Variations are not acceptable. Examples of acceptable shoes are given in the photos below.
Above: Year 7-13 boys’ uniform including regulation navy blue shorts, regulation long sleeved white shirt, regulation maroon jersey, regulation navy blue socks and plain black leather lace-up shoes; Year 7-13 girls’ uniform including regulation navy blue skirt, regulation long sleeve white blouse, regulation maroon cardigan, regulation navy blue socks and plain black leather lace-up or buckle shoes.
New Uniform items available for purchase at NZ Uniforms – available from T4, 2024
- The Y7 – Y10 boys now have the option to wear either the current boys’ shorts or the additional regulation long boys’ trousers (top left image) all year round as part of the uniform.
- The Y7& Y8 girls will now have the option to wear either the regulation navy blue school skirt or the additional regulation navy blue skort (top middle image) all year round.
- The Y7 -13 girls will now have the option to wear either the current regulation girls skirt or the additional fitted trousers (top right image) all year round as part of the uniform.
Years 7-10 girls’ uniform (summer and winter)
- Regulation navy blue skirt – to be knee length or longer. Shortening skirts above knee length is not permitted.
- Alternately, Y7-10 girls may wear the regulation navy blue fitted trousers.
- Y7 & 8 girls may wear the regulation navy blue skort.
- Regulation long or short sleeve blouse
- Girls may wear garments underneath their blouse provided it cannot be seen and is white
- Regulation maroon cardigan or jersey
- Plain black roman sandals, or black leather lace-up shoes or black leather buckle shoes or plain black sports shoes (see photos) with regulation navy blue opaque tights or regulation navy socks. No other colours are allowed on the shoes or soles, canvas not permitted
Years 7-10 boys’ uniform (summer and winter)
- Regulation navy blue shorts
- Regulation navy blue boys’ trousers
- Regulation long or short sleeve white shirt (whichever the student feels most comfortable in)
- Regulation maroon jersey
- Plain black Roman sandals or plain black leather lace-up shoes or plain black sports shoes with regulation navy socks (see photos). No other colours are allowed on the shoes or soles, canvas not permitted
Years 11-13 girls’ uniform (Terms 1 & 4 – Summer / Terms 2 & 3 – Winter)
- Regulation navy blue skirt – to be knee length or longer. Shortening skirts above knee length is not permitted.
- Regulation navy blue fitted girls’ trousers
- Regulation long or short sleeve blouse, whichever the student feels most comfortable in
- Girls may wear garments underneath their blouse provided it cannot be seen and is white
- Regulation maroon blazer (cardigans are being phased out for Year 11-13, but may be worn up until the end of 2023)
- Plain black roman sandals or black leather lace-up shoes (or black leather buckle shoes; see photos) with regulation navy blue opaque tights, or regulation navy socks. Please note: The plain black sports shoe option is not available for Year 11-13 students.
or (Senior girls’ dress uniform)

- Regulation navy blue skirt – to be knee length or longer. Shortening skirts above knee length is not permitted.
- Regulation long or short sleeve blouse and regulation tie
- Regulation blazer
- Girls may wear garments underneath their blouse provided it cannot be seen and is white
- Plain Black leather lace-up shoes (or black leather buckle shoes; see photos) with regulation navy blue opaque tights, or regulation navy socks. Please note: The plain blach sport shoe option is not available for Year 11-13 students.
Years 11-13 boys’ uniform (Terms 1 & 4)
- Regulation navy blue shorts
- Regulation short sleeve white shirt
- Regulation blazer (jerseys are being phased out for Year 11-13, but may be worn up until the end of 2023)
- Plain black Roman sandals or plain black leather lace-up shoes with regulation navy socks (see photos). Please note: The plain black sports shoe option is not available for Year 11-13 students.
or (Terms 2 & 3)
- Regulation navy blue trousers
- Regulation long sleeve white shirt and regulation tie
- Regulation blazer (jerseys are being phased out for Year 11-13, but may be worn up until the end of 2023)
- Plain black leather lace-up shoes with regulation navy socks (see photos). Please note: The plain black sports shoe option is not available for Year 11-13 students.
or (Senior boys’ dress uniform)
- Regulation navy blue trousers – with optional black belt
- Regulation long sleeve white shirt and regulation tie
- Regulation blazer
- Plain Black leather lace-up shoes with black or navy socks (see photos). Please note: The plain black sports shoe option is not available for Year 11-13 students.
Examples of Year 7-13 Footwear
(Note: Year 7-10 Black sneakers – no other colours are allowed on the shoes or soles and canvas not permitted. Not available for Yr 11-13 students)
Physical Education ‘PE’ uniform (compulsory Y7-13)
- Regulation maroon, white and navy shirt (crew or v-neck)
- Regulation navy blue shorts with school logo
- Students must wear suitable footwear for physical activity
Optional outerwear (both genders Y7-13)
- Plain black raincoat or jacket – there is a recommended black jacket that can be purchased from the uniform shop.
The black jacket can be worn to and from school, but it does not replace the cardigan, jersey or blazer in the classroom and around the school.
- Plain navy or black scarves and/or gloves
- A regulation blue school cap or bucket hat must be brought to school by each Middle School student in Terms 1 and 4. Whilst students are not required to wear the hat during the day, students may choose to do so at interval or lunchtime as appropriate
Grooming guidelines and expectations:
- Jewellery shall be limited to one watch and up to two stud or sleeper type earrings (plus a helix allergy stud piercing with naturopath or doctors verification) and no hoops or other visible body piercing. A band aid covering piercings does not meet the requirements.
- No visible necklaces
- Hair shall be clean, cared for and tied back/covered if needed in certain learning environments for health and safety requirements, e.g. Food technology and Wood technology etc.
- Hair styles that carry markings that may offend some people must be corrected whilst at school.
- Hair ties and headbands shall be limited to maroon, navy, white or black.
- Hair colour is limited to natural colours only. Other colours such as blue or pink, etc., are not permitted.
- Beards, moustaches, goaties or excessive sideburns shall not be worn at school.
- Tattoos or imitation tattoos shall not be visible at school.
- Makeup and nail polish in years 7-13 shall be limited to natural colours only
- Allowing some make-up and nail polish allows students struggling with the changes associated with puberty to maintain a good self-concept
- Excessive makeup shall not be worn at school. If make-up can be seen from across the room then it may be deemed excessive.
- Students shall be neatly dressed when attending class, at formal events or representing the school in public.
- Long-term exceptions to the above will only be made on application to the appropriate Assistant Principal of the Primary, Middle, or Senior Schools. If on medical grounds, a doctor’s certificate is expected. e.g. medic alert bracelets, podiatrist prescribed footwear, severe acne or other skin conditions.
- To apply for short-term exemptions for medical reasons or for uniform passes for specific needs or a temporary pass, please see the appropriate Kaitiaki or AP for the student’s level of the school (Middle/Senior).
General points:
- Covered shoes are required for practical science and technology lessons in the laboratory, or for meeting health and safety requirements in any situation
- In class, footwear must be worn
- Out of class, footwear must be worn; however, if students are on the sports field this is optional
- Separate non-marking soled footwear only to be worn in the Gymnasium – this cannot be shoes worn outside, around the school
- To and from the school gates: all students must wear their footwear
- Jackets [not including blazers], hats, gloves and scarves shall not be worn indoors. (see ‘Optional outerwear’ section above)
- Our ‘Cornerstone Uniform Exchange’ Facebook page is where you can buy/sell or exchange second-hand uniform items amongst our school community.
Mufti Day Clothing guidelines: (also found in the Student & Parent Handbook)
Mufti days are a fun way for students to express themselves through their clothing choices. However, as a Christian school, we believe it is important to maintain standards of modesty and respect for ourselves and others, particularly because we are a Y0-13 school. Therefore, the following dress standards will apply when mufti is worn:
- Clothing should cover the shoulders, chest, midriff, and back. No tank tops, crop tops, low-cut tops or tops with spaghetti straps are allowed. Examples of acceptable tops include t-shirts, blouses, and collared shirts.
- Shorts and skirts should be mid-thigh or longer. Examples of acceptable bottoms include jeans, pants, and knee-length or longer shorts and skirts.
- Clothing should not be overly tight or revealing.
- Shoes should be appropriate for school activities.
- Clothing should not have offensive or inappropriate language or images.
- Hats are allowed but should be removed during class time.
We understand that students may have different cultural or personal clothing preferences, but we ask that all students respect the school’s dress standards on mufti days. Teachers and staff will monitor students’ clothing choices to ensure compliance with these standards. Students who do not comply may be asked to change or modify their clothing; parents may be asked to take their child home to change.
We hope that students will enjoy expressing themselves through their clothing choices while also maintaining a respectful and modest appearance on mufti days.
- School-awarded badges are those given to students by the school (or groups associated with Cornerstone Christian School e.g. a music association) for academic, athletic, extracurricular, or other notable achievements. These badges are allowed to be worn appropriately on the school uniform by the award recipient.
- Any other badges outside those covered above are not to be worn on the school uniform.
- Consequences for breaching the rule: Any student found wearing an unauthorised badge on their school uniform will be asked to remove it. If the student refuses, the school’s usual disciplinary systems shall be followed.
- The rule regarding badges on the uniform does not apply to bags. Bags are personal property and not part of the uniform. However, bags are subject to the guidelines around the display of offensive or discriminatory symbols at school.
- Exceptions to this rule may only be made on a case-by-case basis, by the approval of the school Principal.